This is a 1-on-1 Zoom telecoaching call where I can help you to find more clarity (answer your questions) in any area of your health or life. Topics often include:
*nutrition (digestion/absorption)
*fitness (what is the best workout for your body)
*sleep optimization (circadian rhythm correction)
*energy, drive
*stress management (pinpointing a possible trauma that is running unconsciously)
*hormones regulation
*nontoxic health/beauty routines
*correct supplementation, and more.
This is a single call, where you get my recommendations (short action plan). While very valuable, if you feel you have a more profound (chronic) concern and wish for ongoing support — we can continue with a 90-day program or a 6-month whole body reset where we meet bi-weekly to heal and address the issues on a deeper level.
Here you can find the date & time to book your session after purchasing the consultation.
Please fill out this Health Questionnaire and Consent Form at least 24 hours prior to the consultation.